March 17, 2023

i18next framework for React and Next.js

In this example, we're importing the English and French translations from JSON files. We're then initializing i18next with these translations and setting the default language to English. We're also configuring the interpolation settings so that we can use variables in our translations. Once you've loaded your translations and set up i18next, you can start using the useTranslation hook to translate text within your components. In a Next.js application, you can use the same approach to integrate i18next. You can load translations in the getStaticProps or `getServer
March 16, 2023

Stop wasting time and being frustrated with i18next

FluentC has become an essential service for any business with a global reach. With FluentC, businesses can manage their translations and localization workflows efficiently. The i18next backend plugin for FluentC is a powerful tool that provides additional capabilities for managing translations.